Impact x Design: Building Economic Justice for Future Oregonians
Exploring Publicly-funded Trust Accounts

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 @ Kiln
Doors at 5:30 pm; Design Sprint Workshop begins at 6:00 pm

Join us for a hands-on design sprint exploring the creation of publicly funded trust accounts for children at birth. These accounts, also known as “baby bonds," are designed to help break the cycle of poverty and address the racial wealth gap. Inspired by the pioneering work of economist Dr. Darrick Hamilton, these accounts would be a powerful step toward significantly reducing, if not eliminating the racial wealth gap in one generation for future Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Oregonians. 

This interactive workshop invites social impact designers, visual artists, and public innovators to explore how these accounts can reshape economic mobility in our state through a lens of racial justice + equity. Participants will have the chance to explore mindsets, messages, and strategies needed to engage the broader community to build support for this initiative. You'll have the opportunity to contribute to a forward-thinking project that brings together private, public, and community-based organizations, all aimed towards a thriving and equitable economic future for Oregon's next generation.

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Workshop facilitatorS

Mary Li (she/my name)


Mary’s professional experiences include 34 years of service at Multnomah County delivering training, facilitation, coaching, and consulting within and across County organizations to groups and individuals through a variety of learning and skill building learning experiences and methods; as well as extensive experience with and service to the non-profit sector - domestic and sexual violence, HIV/AIDS, general social justice organizing efforts, culturally specific community development and support. She is a proud Asian American woman working locally, regionally, and nationally within Asian American Indigenous Pacific Island communities, and in allyship with communities of the global majority to survive and thrive.


Jooyoung Oh (she/they)


Jooyoung co-founded StudioYellow, a Social Design consulting group that challenges systemic injustice by taking action rooted in Revolutionary Love. Jooyoung has over 20 years of experience in design thinking, research, and strategy. Before kicking off StudioYellow, she worked with Multnomah Idea Lab, combining her passion for systemic change and racial justice work with her design expertise. She frequently teaches equity-centered design approaches and community engagement. As a Process Work therapist, Jooyoung offers conflict facilitation for individuals, families, and organizations. Healing history is her life's work, which she engages in through dance and writing practice using her other name Miro. 

Personal Website | StudioYellow

WOrkshop Host & Co-Organizer

erin stevanus (she/her)

erin is an artist, strategist, and social entrepreneur committed to unlocking the potential of complex systems through foresight and speculative thinking. She runs a design futures studio, collaborating with leaders across the private, public, nonprofit, and philanthropic sectors to bring to life not-too-distant futures. As the founder of an innovation platform, she support changemakers in design thinking and social entrepreneurship. In her creative practice, erin writes, composes, and performs works exploring speculative futures and the mindsets needed to navigate them. You can also find her facilitating deep listening experiences and crafting live digital soundscapes through the sonic sound lab project, which invites curiosity, exploration, and rest.

words | music


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